If you are interested about guitar  then  you  can learn guitar  yourself. But  you  must  have practice  more  and  more. Because  practice  is  success.  So  you  should  to keep  in  touch  1.5 to  2.5 hours  in a  daily.  if  you  have the basic idea on drums rhythm  then  you can  easily learn  guitar's  rhythm. I hope that you will be maintain these and you must be a good guitarist  and  to  show your  best  performance. This  lessons  provided  are accompanied  by  photos  and  in  some cases tab.  Here is a large variety of free guitar lessons on this site. some of these lessons give suggestions on how to improve you guitar playing.

1st day we know about guitar diagram and some chords.Now we know about chords.There are  some chords like A major,A minor,B major,A# major,A# minor,B major,B minor,C major,C  minor,C# major,C# minor,D major,D minor,D# major,D# minor,E major,E minor,F major,F minor,F# major,F# minor,G major,G minor,G# major,G# minor etc.

Now we know about A major chord. If you want to know about A major chord then fist  you  have to   know about guitar's note.So what is  guitar note?  We know about  guitar's diagram. There are some frets. Each of frets has name.Each string has frets,like A,A#,B,C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#.Fist I told the name of six strings. Fist string is so thin then another whose name is "E"string. The next string's name "B", then "G","D","A" and last string is so fat than another whose name is "E" too.
If you want to make "A" major chords then fist your 4th finger press on "B" string on C# note then your 3th finger press on "G" string on "A" note,then your 2nd finger press on "D" string on "E' note. When you press this all of note together then it is make "A' major chord. If you see "A" major chord's picture then you can easily make this chords. 
Now I told about A# chords. Fist your 4th finger press B string on C note then your 3rd finger press G string on A# note, your 2nd finger press D string on F note and your 1st finger press on F# note in 1st string(E) and when you all of note press together then it's make A# chord.

If you want to make B major chord then try this,press on 3rd fret or G note of 1st string(E) and others three finger(4,3,2) on 5th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string.this is B major chord. For C major chord and others please try this proses again. 

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