Now we know Major chords. There are many type of major chords.You want to make this chords different way. But now we know one of  process to make major chords. There are many major chords such as A major, B major, C major etc.

We know about "A" chords. To make  this chords first press three fingers(4,3,2) on 2th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "C#" note of 2nd string, "A" note of 3rd string and "E" note of 4th string.Then it makes "A" chords.
Now I tell about "A#" chords. To make  this chords first press on 1st fret or "F" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 1th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "D" note of 2nd string, "A" note of 3rd string and "F" note of 4th string.Then it makes "A#" chords.
 To know about "B" chords. For make  this chords first press on 2nd fret or "F#" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 1th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "D#" note of 2nd string , "A#" note of 3rd string and "F#" note of 4th string.Then it makes "B" chords.
 Want to make "C" chords. To make  this chords first press on 3rd fret or "G" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 1th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "E" note of 2nd string , "B" note of 3rd string and "G" note of 4th string.Then it makes "C" chords.
Easily to make "C#" chords. To make  this chords first press on 4th fret or "G#" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 1th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "F" note of 2nd string , "C" note of 3rd string and "G#" note of 4th string.Then it makes "C#" chords.
 Now we make "D" chords. To make  this chords first press on 5th fret or "A" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 1th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "F#" note of 2nd string , "C#" note of 3rd string and "A" note of 4th string.Then it makes "D" chords. 
 Make "D#" chords. To make  this chords first press on 6th fret or "A#" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 1th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "G" note of 2nd string , "D" note of 3rd string and "A#" note of 4th string.Then it makes "D#" chords.
We make  "E" chords now. First  press on 7th fret or "A" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 7th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "F#" note of 2nd string, "D" note of 3rd string and "A" note of 4th string.Then it makes "E" chords.
 Now I tell another chords named "F" chords. First  press on 8th fret or "A#" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 8th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "G" note of 2nd string, "D#" note of 3rd string and "A#" note of 4th string.Then it makes "F" chords.
Very easy to make "F#" chords. To make  this chords first  press on 9th fret or "A#" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 9th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "G#" note of 2nd string, "E" note of 3rd string and "B" note of 4th string.Then it makes "F#" chords.

 Very interesting chords "G". To make  this chords first  press on 10th fret or "B" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 9th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "G#" note of 2nd string, "E" note of 3rd string and "B" note of 4th string.Then it makes "G" chords.
For make "G#" chords. To make  this chords first  press on 11th fret or "B" note of 1st string(E) and others three fingers(4,3,2) on 9th fret of 2nd(B),3rd(G),4th(D) string or "G#" note of 2nd string, "E" note of 3rd string and "B" note of 4th string.Then it makes "G#" chords.

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