We know Major chords now. This is one of pattern to make Major chords. there are another pattern to ake Major chords but we know one of them. Let's go to make Major chords.

Want to make "E" major chords then press "G" string on "G#" note by 1st finger. Then your 3rd finger press "D" string on "E" note after that your 2nd finger press "A" string on "B" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "E" major chords.         
Vary easy to make "F" major chords. first press together "E and B" string on "F and C" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "A" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "F" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "C" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "F" major chords. 

Now we want to make "F#" major chords then press together "E and B" string on "F# and C#" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "A#" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "F#" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "C#" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "F#" major chords.
Try to make "G" major chords. Frist press together "E and B" string on "G and D" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "B" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "G" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "D" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "G" major chords.
If you want to make "G#" major chords then press together "E and B" string on "G# and D#" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "C" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "G#" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "D#" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "G#" major chords.
You want to make "A" major chords. Then press together "E and B" string on "A and E" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "C#" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "A" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "E" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "A" major chords. 
If you want to make "A#" major chords then press together "E and B" string on "A# and F#" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "D" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "A#" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "F" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "A#" major chords.
It is very simple to make "B" major chords.You want to make "B" major chords then press together "E and B" string on "B and G" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "D#" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "B" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "F#" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "B" major chords. 
Now make "C" major chords. First press together "E and B" string on "C and G#" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "E" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "C" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "G" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "C" major chords.
If you want to make "C#" major chords then press together "E and B" string on "C# and A" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "F" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "C#" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "G#" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "C#" major chords.
Simply you  make "D" major chords. 1st press together "E and B" string on "D and A#" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "F#" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "D" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "A" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "D" major chords.
If you want to make "D#" major chords then press together "E and B" string on "D# and B" note by 1st finger. Then your 2nd finger press "G" string on "A#" note after that your 4th finger press "D" string on "D#" note.At last your 3rd finger press "A" string on "A" note. Now you all of note press together, it makes "D#" major chords.

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